God's Response to Racism- Micah 6:8
Preacher: Heath Haynes Series: Stand Alone Sermons Scripture: Micah 6:8
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Discussion Questions
- What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you through this teaching, your own pursuit of racial reconciliation, and the time you in time in Micah 6:8 on your own? What do you have questions about/are struggling with?
- Possible follow-up questions:
- How do we lament?
- How do we engage God’s heart for justice individually and collectively?
- How do we show kindness/the love of God to others, specifically those of a different race than us?
- How do we express love through action?
- How do we walk humbly with our God?
- What are the implications for us personally?
- What are the implications for us as a whole?
- What are the challenges we face in being God’s instrument of reconciliation? How do we navigate those challenges?
- What action steps can you take this week in response?
Be the Bridge - empower people and culture towards racial healing, equity, and reconcilition (also has a great list of resources)
The Witness- a black Christian collective that engages issues of religion, race, justice, adn culture from a biblical perspective
- Be The Bridge: God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation- Latasha Morrison
- Jesus and the Disinherited- Howard Thurman
- The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism- Jemar Tisby
- I'm Still Here- Austin Channing Brown
- Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption- Bryan Stevenson
other sermons in this series
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Community is not a Commodity- 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Preacher: Heath Haynes Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12–26 Series: Stand Alone Sermons
Jan 19
The Why Of Church Planting- Bob Rowley
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Jan 5
The Steadfast Love of God- Andy Dong
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